Friday, March 28, 2008


Mood of the Book.

In the story "Animal farm", there is a change of mood. Like the book I read before (Lord of the flies), this story also begins with quite happy and joyful feels in the beginning. The animals' rebellion had gone well, and they seemed like living the life that they have desired for long time. They worked hard, learned, and take enough break and even some leisure. However, after Snowball is chased off the land by Napoleon, the animal's equality, hope and happiness vanished. The hope for the future of the animals was gone. The land of freedom(animal farm)that was planned out for all of the farm now only applied to the pigs only. Also,this farm was supposed givw equal voice and right to other animals wich is called a democracy, but it turned in to communism.

There land(animal farm) was made by all the animal includes pigs, who wanted to live ideal and equal life. their start seemed happy and full with joy. But this mood changed by dictator (Napoleon). Now, their future is dark, hopless


noclip said...

lord of the flies had a happy beginnning??? a group of kids who were in a plane were shot down and became stranded on a deserted island? how the heck do you call that happy?

i agree with the moods of animals farm, it started all light and bright and turn all dark and heavy in the end

Yuri said...

I meant.. ast the beginning the kids did;t have much problems. In the beginning, their relations are all good, and have good time.\\졸라무섭네 --